Set the Country Currency

The currency assigned to entities and used in economic calculations depends on the configuration of the project currency, the entity's country, and the entity's currency.

By default, entities inherit the currency of their country, if one is specified in the entity properties. You can override this inheritance by changing the Entity Currency from Default (country currency) to a different currency. If you don't specify a country, the entity inherits the project currency, found in Project Options (US Dollars by default).

Value Navigator converts all currencies to the project currency when you run project-level or folder-level economics or when you run economics on a selection of entities with different currencies.

To set the country currency

  1. On the Tools menu, select Global Project Data and click Countries & Currencies.
  2. In the Countries & Currencies Editor, click the Countries tab.
  3. In the country list, click a country.
  4. From the Currency list, select the currency you want to assign to the country.
  5. Click OK.